Consulting Services

SoftOneIT approaches career management differently from outplacement firms. While they deal in large volumes, which can be impersonal and lacking individuality, our approach is strategic and market-driven to deliver faster, more effective results and put your career on the best path.

Our coaches and consultants are experienced business executives with deep career counseling experience—and meetings with them are always one-on-one. Outplacement firms typically offer only one or two one-on-one consultations per month, sending clients to group meetings instead. This focus on personalized strategies carries through to networking events in which our uniquely intimate groups provide the opportunity to make higher quality connections.

Low Client to Consultant Ratio

Our client to consultant ratio is never more than 20:1, meaning you get the personal attention you need and deserve.

High Caliber Consultants

Our experienced business executives have deep career counseling experience, enabling them to truly understand your situation and coach accordingly.

Frequent Interaction with Consultants

You’ll meet with your Coach weekly for one-on-one meetings, or more often if needed.

High Touch Before High Tech

While we offer convenient online tools, they are secondary to your relationship with your Coach and serve to enhance your coaching experience.

The Personal Touch

SoftOneIT has one office, so all clients, along with their goals and needs, become well known by our consultants and support staff.

Effective Networking

Our networking events are small in scale, but big on building meaningful connections.

For a complimentary consultation, call 201-647-1215 or click Get Started below.